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- Steph Irson is the host of the galaxy-famous Steph Irson's Galactic Huntress, a nature documentary series that airs regularly on extranet television.While normally focused on non-sapient wildlife, the new Planet Rush has prompted Irson to re-tool her show to focus on the various denizens of new and exciting planets, bringing a little slice of the frontier to the viewers at home.
- Several vaccines on the U.S. Vaccination schedule are made in cells from fetuses aborted decades ago. They include vaccines against rubella, hepatitis A, and chicken pox. Cohen/Science By Meredith WadmanJun. 5, 2020, 6:15 PM Science’s COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Pulitzer Center. Senior Catholic leaders in the United States and Canada, along with other.
- RWBY: Trials In Tainted Space by DrGairyuki Fandoms: RWBY, Trials in Tainted Space (Video Game) Explicit; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply; F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other; Work in Progress; 27 Mar 2020.
Halachic Precedent for Using Tainted Data Historically, one can trace the treatment of this dilemma back to the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud was the written edition of the Oral Law (believed to have been transmitted by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, and was later transcribed to prevent its being forgotten).
US bishops endorse abortion-tainted COVID vaccine: ‘an act of love of our neighbor’Trials In Tainted Space Abortion

Posted on 12/15/2020 10:47:54 PM PST by xomething
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Well, all except for that one neighbor you murdered to make it. Guess it’s cool not to love them.

Tainted cells?
No one was murdered to make either vaccine.

First, neither Moderna nor Pfizer used fetal stem cells in the R&D for their vaccines. and
What DID happen was some after-the-fact confirmation testing. But at no point during the research, development, or production of the vaccines were fetal stem cells used in any way.
Second, none of the vaccines required anyone to be murdered in order to produce them. The HEK-293 fetal stem cell line originates from an elective abortion that took place in 1973. The abortion was performed because the mother chose to do it; not because anyone forced her to do so, nor because anyone wanted stem cells. It was just one of the many, many unfortunate abortions that took place that year and the stem cells were taken after it was done. Nobody had heard of COVID-19 in 1973. Nobody forced the mother to have the abortion. “Neighbor you murdered to make it” is absurd even for the vaccines that actually used fetal stem cells in their R&D, and that’s coming from someone who DOES agree there’s a moral problem with using them. We have other, more ethical methods of developing medicines and vaccines. They’re a little less efficient, but frankly, tough.
Exactly. Can’t let facts get in the way of an agenda. Even if I agree with the agenda doesn’t make it right to misrepresent reality.
Why are so many pushing this vaccine? Something is not right. There is much more to this story. This “flu” has a 99% survival rate for healthy people, maybe even better than that. Something is not right.
Yea old common good argument. Funny how they dont accept the left’s common good argument for abortion. You know.. the safety of a child born to a poor mom, a depressed mom, a mom with an abusive husband.
Mustcbe the money.
There are people who would love to inject their toxins into everyone.
The Infection Fatality Rate for COVID-19 is 0.65%. With an R0 of 2.5, that’s 60% before we reach the Herd Immunity Threshold. Everything doesn’t magically stop when we hit that number, but that’s the beginning of the inexorable decline of infections due to lack of available vulnerable hosts. In the US, with our population of 330 million, that’s 198 million just to reach HIT. 0.65% of 198 million is ~1.3 million.
Nobody should want to see 1.3 million dead Americans. THAT is why people are pushing the vaccines. The two in the approval phase - Pfizer and Moderna - have been proven safe and effective with the same process used to approve every other drug and vaccine on the market.
Similar process but shrunken down timewise by a factor of about ten, including testing. Sound safe to you?

Trials In Tainted Space Abortions
'Similar process but shrunken down timewise by a factor of about ten, including testing. Sound safe to you?'The development of the vaccine candidates was not unusually short for this point in time. In the 1950s it took 10+ years to develop a viable vaccine candidate for testing. By the 1990s it was down to 5 years. 2 years for SARS2003. 7 months for Zika in 2014. 6 months for Ebola in 2016. So 2 months for SARS-CoV-2 in 2020 is not the least bit unreasonable. It's not even unexpected. It's a gradual, logical progression build on a firm base of knowledge and experience with new technology and scientific advances streamlining processes.
As for the testing, there are multiple pathways for accelerated review and approval for new drugs and vaccines where appropriate. President Trump declared it was appropriate to use the various quicker options for review and approval. Here is an article from 2018 (long before anyone heard of COVID-19) discussing the options and their associated timelines.
Again, nothing unusual about any of this. Anyone who tells you these were rushed is probably a Democrat, or at least is parroting nonsense talking points from Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Governor Cuomo, and Governor Newsom. They've all claimed President Trump rushed the vaccines and they're dangerous. Louis Farrakhan claimed the vaccines are unsafe as well.
So you can be on the side of President Trump - who championed these vaccines and oversaw the process - or you can be on the side of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, and Louis Farrakhan in claiming these vaccines were rushed and are dangerous. So which is it?
Except there are no fetal cells involved here.
Read the rest ofthe thread.
You’re right...’For the LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil...’. Anyone who believes these vaccines were developed for the ‘common good’ is living in usual.
Seeing how the death rate hasn’t risen significantly even in the midst of a supposedly horrific pandemic, one must assume that Covid is standing in for another deadly condition or disease, such as pneumonia or influenza. And seeing how 8000 ppl die per day and nobody bats an eye, one has to wonder why this “deadly virus” merits such a push for the first ever messenger RNA vaccine that has skipped animal trials and has a 21% chance of adverse symptoms in the recipient. Please enlighten us as to how this is a good thing for Americans and why we should rush to embrace it. Because I’m not buying it.
Strike 1!
'first ever messenger RNA vaccine'
Rabies, cytomegalovirus, and VEEV.
'skipped animal trials'
Moderna Vaccine Test in Monkeys Shows Promise
It is running its coarse 99 % survival rate and they are still pushing the fear porn, masks, lockdowns and the vaccine, WHY?? I believe we all know the answer
Those two companies are some of the one listed as being infiltrated by the chicoms. No thank you.
A people in fear arr controlable.
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