Did you think the thirst was over? I HAVE ONLY BEGUN TO THIRST!
I meant to have this out to you guys at the start of the previous weekend, but circumstances (and drama flare-ups) at that pretty well. Still, progress is progress!
- Trials in Tainted Space is all about exploration and adventure and meeting new characters in the game as they come. The interaction and sex is the key to game. The player starts with a ship left behind his/her deceased father and then set out in the world to gain more money and power.
- The TCGPlayer Price Guide tool shows you the value of a card based on the most reliable pricing information available. Choose your product line and set, and find exactly what you're looking for.
- ← Previous Work Part 2 of the Tainted Hyrule Verse series Next Work → Stats: Published: 2018-10-02 Updated: 2020-08-08 Words: 106892 Chapters: 47/69 Comments: 676 Kudos: 1304 Bookmarks: 201 Hits: 103890.
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- The gabilani chemist’s scene for reacting to “thirsty” PC’s now has the “call zaika” fork enabled. This presents three randomized blowjob scenes out of the total available (which is only three for right now…). I have ideas for at least 1-2 more “generic” ones and a few where I’m going to have some of my futa crew members make a cameo (Shekka/Kiro).
- Feeding thirst should now immediately result in it being removed (instead of occurring on the next “processTime” event after acquiring “Orally-Filled”).
- Fixed the milk bar status tooltips.
- New parsers: lipNoun, lipNouns, lipNounChaste, lipNounsChaste.
- Lots of typos fixed and tweaked.
- The combat tail’s tooltip should now warn that equipping it will remove current tails.
- The combat tail can no longer strike flying targets.

I’ve also been playing through the game for real, for the first time in forever. Some of the typos and italic bleeds are ones I caught personally. Thus far, I just got onboard Zheng Shi with “Doom Suula,” and I’m sad I couldn’t take Emmy with me.

Trials In Tainted Space Mhenga
Name / Title | Added | Expires | Hits | Syntax | |
Trials in Tainted Space - Advanced Herm Sexbot Vic... | Oct 26th, 2019 | Never | 4,166 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions: Tamani's Daughters B... | Aug 2nd, 2018 | Never | 3,136 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions: Tamani's Daughters B... | Aug 2nd, 2018 | Never | 4,244 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions: Losing to Tamani and Daug... | Aug 2nd, 2018 | Never | 2,630 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions: Losing to Tamani and Daug... | Aug 2nd, 2018 | Never | 2,042 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions: Losing to Tamani's D... | May 22nd, 2018 | Never | 2,083 | None | - |
Trials in Tainted Space: Angel Dream | Jan 15th, 2018 | Never | 4,165 | None | - |
Trials in Tainted Space: Doctor Badger Bad End | Sep 10th, 2017 | Never | 9,701 | None | - |
Trials in Tainted Space: Tam-Tam Bad End | Sep 10th, 2017 | Never | 11,073 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Night Ambush | Sep 5th, 2017 | Never | 4,228 | None | - |
Trials in Tainted Space: Buttslutinator Part 3 | Aug 10th, 2017 | Never | 6,873 | None | - |
Trials in Tainted Space: Buttslutinator Part 2 | Aug 10th, 2017 | Never | 5,282 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Eager Kelt Submission | Jun 22nd, 2017 | Never | 5,774 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Bazaar Tent | Jun 14th, 2017 | Never | 3,518 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Demonic Centaur Bad End | May 6th, 2017 | Never | 10,707 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Alpha Izma Bad End | May 6th, 2017 | Never | 6,450 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Scylla Encounters | May 5th, 2017 | Never | 2,394 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Salon Impregnation Lynnett... | May 3rd, 2017 | Never | 4,121 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Secretarial Succubus Bad E... | May 3rd, 2017 | Never | 5,456 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Minotaur Bad End | Feb 3rd, 2017 | Never | 12,820 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Minotaur Throatfuck | Feb 3rd, 2017 | Never | 3,575 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Minotaur Cum Addict Salon | Feb 3rd, 2017 | Never | 6,208 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Minotaur Dream | Feb 3rd, 2017 | Never | 3,879 | None | - |
Corruption of Champions Lethice Bad End | Jan 28th, 2017 | Never | 16,097 | None | - |