AuI ConverteR 48x44 is DSF converter to/from WAV, FLAC, AIFF, DSF files. Conversion (1-bit audio) ISO, DFF, DSF to DSF is supported. Sample rates 2.8(D64) / 5.6(D128) / 11.2(D256) / 22.5(D512) / 45.2(D1024) MHz. Intended for audiophiles and music production. Operation systems: Mac OSX, Windows.
Look quality, format, configuration issues below. Check AuI ConverteR's minimal price options >
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General issues
Aims of music conversion:
- format adjusting (DSF, DFF, FLAC, WAV, etc.) to hardware / software abilities,
- resolution adjusting [sample rate, bit depth, 1-bit sigma delta modulation (a.k.a. DSD) or PCM] to hardware / software abilities,
- using of audio system resolution, that cause lesser distortions.
DSF is audio file format (.dsf extension) with high resolution DSD audio stream. DFF file is alternative DSD sound format container. A DSD converter between the files (containers) may be implemented as lossless re-packer of binary identical musical content. Or the conversion tool may have appropriate mode to repacking without losses.
Simplified DSF file structure:
- header
- DSD sound data
- id3 metadata block.
Format specification link see below.
The DSD data divided by blocks. Last of block may be filled partitially.
Stereo 2.0 and multichannel 5.1 formats are supported. Also other channel number may be supported.
Music players able playback 1-bit stuff straight on DSD DAC (native 1-bit DAC) or convert in real-time ('on fly') to PCM format so that PCM DAC feeding (multibit DAC).
Conversion 1-bit sigma delta modulation to PCM is lossy. Physically the conversion is filtering high frequency noise. The filtering band may have different width. It define music signal band width. Other side, it cause more high frequency noise energy, that can cause audible intermodulation distortions at some playback systems.
DSD resampling, gain altering is lossy anyway.
All losses noted in this article part is not significant for professional conversion software.
Real-Time vs. Non-Real-Time Conversion

PCM to DSD, DSD to PCMconversion audio quality depend on signal-processing precision. But it is lossy action anyway.
As rule, offline (non-realtime) converter DSF to PCM or PCM to DSF implemented on computer have fewer time computing restrictions, comparing with real-time processing. Offline processing may allow higher calculation precision, that consume additional time. Qualitative offline processing may be performed at old computers even.
If processing is performed once, it save electric energy that computer consume in intensive calculations.
Conversion quality of the conversion software close theoretical limits.
Approximate Audio Format Quality by Results These Tests
(the best at first place)
1. WAV PCM 32-bit float, DSD 256 and above
2. DSD 128
3. WAV PCM 24-bit
4. DSD 64
5. WAV PCM 16-bit
Read about quality comparison of PCM and DSF formats. In the article compared WAV vs. DSF. This comparing matched ISO (1-bit hi-res audio), DFF, AIFF, FLAC and any lossless formats.
PCM 32-bit, DSD 256 and above in the tests have measurement tool limitation. Therefore, all these formats were placed at first position.
DSD sample rate is matter of noise level inside useful band. Reducing the noise level can cause instability of sigma-delta modulator. However higher sample rate allow to reduce noise and get wider musical signal band.
Price options of DSF converter
Minimal price options
Minimal configuration to convert DSF/DFF (D64/128) to FLAC, WAV and other PCM (up to 192 kHz, 24 bit, 32 bit float):
[ Mac OS X ][ Windows ]
Minimal configuration to convert FLAC, WAV and other PCM (up to 192 kHz, 24 bit, 32 bit float) to DSF/DFF (D64/128):
[ Mac OS X ][ Windows ]
Pcm To Mp3 Converter App Downloader
Minimal configuration to convert DSF/DFF (D64/128) to DSF/DFF (D64/128):
[ Mac OS X ][ Windows ]
The conversion software support DSF, DFF, ISO (D64, D128) as input (maximal PROduce-RD, configurable Modula-R editions to save budget):
Video To Mp3 Converter App
1. Convert WAV, FLAC, AIFF, ISO, DSF, DFF to DSF
2. DFS sample rates 11.2 (D256), 22.5 (D512), 45.2 (D1024) MHz.
Read articles about different kinds of conversions below.
Configure and order Modula-R right now or request us appropriate configuration here >
Sound quality settings
If input and output sample rates are different, resampling signal processing is used. Resampling base on filtering with settings described below.
At Settings > General tab> select one of Filter mode's options:
- 'Optimized resampling filter' cut frequencies upper 20 kHz (eliminating intermodulation distortions by ultrasound);
- 'Non-Optimized resampling filter' remove all upper 20...24 kHz (depend on input/output sample rates) - eliminating intermodulation distortions by ultrasound, wider signal band;
- 'Non-Optimized wide resampling filter' suppress all upper 20...100 kHz (depend on input/output sample rates).
At some equipment 'Non-Optimized...' modes can cause audible noise (see video).
Generally, 'Optimized...' mode is recommended. But you can prefer other modes.
Use minimum phase filter switch checked/unchecked minimum/linear phase filtering when 'Optimized resampling filter' is selected. Other modes use linear filtering only.
Dithering application have sense in 16 bit PCM target format only.
If output bit depth 24 bit and above (including 1-bit, float point PCM formats), dithering auto turn off.
Read articles about DSF Converter
Pcm To Mp3 Converter App Download
Read also
WAV, FLAC, AIFF, ALAC, (1-bit audio) ISO, DFF, DSF, WMA, mp3, CD-audio...
WARNING: DSF, DFF is supported in maximal PROduce-RD and configurable Modula-R
FREE demo mute 2 second silence in the output middle of ISO tracks, DSF, DFF
with length more 3 minutes