Title: Minecraft PE - Top 5 Best Realistic Texture Packs and MCPE Shaders Of All Time [MCPE/Windows 10]
► Greetings. In this video, I'll go over the 5 best Minecraft PE/Windows 10 realistic texture packs for 1.16+ and some mcpe no lag shaders and ultra realistic shaders in this video.
► Keep in mind that all of the texture packs will work on both mcpe and Minecraft Windows 10 Edition while the shaders are for Minecraft PE. Sorry I couldn't show any Minecraft Windows 10 shaders because I recorded on mobile.
Cinematography 00:00
Patrix Texture Pack 1:03
KTPE v3 [Nether Update] 2:01
Umsoea PE Port 3:12
NAPP Free Texture Pack 4:09
Realistic SkyBox 6:28
Expressing Gratitude 7:24
Ending 8:25
『READ THIS BEFORE DOWNLOADING: To download and play 'Patrix' and 'NAPP' which are PC texture packs, you first need to convert them into bedrock edition .mcpack for [PE/Win10] I'll leave a link to a website that'll do all the work. Just upload the file in the website and proceed. Note that the bedrock version of those packs can't be released without the creator's consent』
► Online Resource Converter [Jave to Bedrock]
•Patrix Free/Paid Versions [Convert to Bedrock]
Free 32x : http://www.mediafire.com/file/4s7g5haegov6wqp
•KTPE V2 [Nether Update]
Download Links are in the video Linked above.
•Umsoea PE Port
Original Texture By: https://www.youtube.com/c/umsoea
Converted By: https://youtu.be/HPTK_-UmlDM
•NAPP Free Version: [Convert to Bedrock] https://youtu.be/5ulQj8SJDSs
Join the discord server linked in the video above. There you should find the official free version.
•Better SkyBox: https://mcpedl.com/better-skyboxes-pack/
•CSPE v3.0.0: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cwaiitzvmo3qlra/CSPE%20v3.0.0%20International.mcpack?dl=0
•CSPE Lite: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jhw9oujpe7gqyoe/CreeperShaders_LITE.mcpack/file
•CSPE 2.0.0 [Can't share shader]
@CSPE TEAM: https://twitter.com/CSPE_TEAM?s=09
• ISPe X Gen 2.0: https://youtu.be/QUoofJM9FwE
•Dynamic Lighting [Behaviour Pack] https://mcpedl.com/realight-addon/
•Vert Shader [Win 10 Support] [Used in Nether]: https://youtu.be/Mau39byJvuo
•DSPE: https://youtu.be/Y4KLE1poz04
► If you enjoyed this video, check out some of my other ones.
•MCPE Top 5 Best Texture Packs | 2020 https://youtu.be/Pfcyfq3TLXI
•MCPE Ultra Realistic Continuum Shader Pack: https://youtu.be/fbu0OelbisE
•MCPE Shader With Moving Shadows, Reflective Water Puddles and Wet Floor: https://youtu.be/ECCHoC1gggw
•MCPE RTX Shader False Information: https://youtu.be/7hrNy-OW8wA
► MCPE Best Shader Playlist | So far, I have reviewed, ESTN Shader, Continuum PE Shader, Seus PE Shader, CSPE Shader, DSPE and Many Other Amazing Shaders: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn3xJKdDl6b2pQchvuv07Np2IM-lDgJ6e
♬Music Credits:
C418: https://c418.bandcamp.com/
► Thank you so much for watching the video and helping me reach 30,000 subscribers. It would never be possible without your endless love and support. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for everything you have done for me.
#McpeShaders #RealisticTextures #McpeTexturePacks
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⚠Copyright Disclaimer: Necessary Actions (Such as a DMCA report) will be taken against any unauthorized reupload/redistribution/utilization of this video :)
- Minecraft Windows 10 Realistic Shader
- Ultra Realistic Shaders Minecraft Windows 10
- Shaders For Minecraft Microsoft Edition
- Ultra Realistic Minecraft Windows 10 Shaders
The best shaders for Minecraft Java edition of 2020! Please note that I left every shader to its default settings, so even though there are settings ingame for changing the shader quality and performance, this comparison is based on the default values.
If you play MCPE, check out the best shaders for it over here: Best MCPE shaders.
'Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Shaders Pack' Texture Clear filters. RTX Texture Pack PE 1.12 to 1.14 no lag FlipoChannel. 36 Shaders Texture SSIPE shaders (Super Realistic) PE 1.12 - 1.13 no lag FlipoChannel. 30 Shaders Texture. 18 Shaders Texture Chocapic Shaders (Minecraft Window 10 Edition Only) (Updated. When I got a new computer with Windows 10, I was able to make a version of my texturepack that is compatible for the faster, non-java-based Minecraft Windows 10/Bedrock edition. The Zedercraft HD Texturepack is a realistic, high-resolution texture pack, which combines realistic textures with bright, friendly colors.
Mr Butternuss Shaders are designed to rework the graphics and textures of Minecraft without affecting the performance of the game. The pack uses low resources in a PC and can, therefore, be used on. Probably one of the most recognizable Minecraft shader packs of all time, Sonic Ether’s Unbelievable Shaders is, well, unbelievable. It has remained a classic shader for good reason though. Gorgeous lighting, realistic water, and better shadows combine to give Minecraft an incredible facelift.
1. SEUS Renewed
Download from: Official SEUS site
Performance requirement: High
Latest version of the legendary SEUS shader. Previously I used both SEUS v10 and v11 and loved them both.
2. Sildur's Vibrant Shaders (Extreme)
Download from: Official Sildur's site
Minecraft Windows 10 Realistic Shader
Performance requirement: Medium
Very colorful and 'happy' feeling shader. Even though this is the extreme version of the shader, the performance requirement is quite medium – even on the lower end of this list.
3. Sildur's Vibrant Shaders (Lite)
Download from: Official Sildur's site

Performance requirement: Medium-Low?
The previous one was the extreme version, this is the lite version. I see very little change in frame rate between the two versions. Maybe they truly are that similar in FPS, or maybe Minecraft just utilizes the extra frames to something else. Just give it a try if the higher end versions lag!
4. Chocapic13 V8 (Ultra)
Download from: Curse Forge
Performance requirement: Medium-High
I have never used Chocapic13's shaders to my knowledge, but I think it is pretty popular, so I included it in this list. Has pretty 'realistic' feeling, and decent frame rates.
5. Continuum 2
Download from: Official Continuum site
Performance requirement: Extreme
Very realistic shader with a high performance impact. Not sure how much it can be customized for lower performance impact – as I said in the beginning, these performance values are based on the default shader settings.
6. Continuum v1.3
Download from: Official Continuum site
Performance requirement: Extreme
Honestly, I kinda prefer the older Continuum version to the new Continuum 2. I like the colors, and I used to use it in my cinematic back couple years ago. Very high performance hit, but if your computer can handle it, it can give very nice screenshots for an example.
7. KUDA Shaders v6.1

Ultra Realistic Shaders Minecraft Windows 10
Download from: KUDA's developer site
Performance requirement: Medium
Another legendary shader, stands next to SEUS in my opinion. There's a newer shader from the same creator as KUDA called 'projectLuma', but it did not work for me for some reason – that's why I wanted to go with the classic KUDA instead.
8. Robobo1221's Shader v7.1 (Extreme)
Download from: Minecraft Forum
Performance requirement: Extreme
Extreme performance requirements, very beautiful. Has very nice weather effects, which makes it really stand out in this comparison. Check out the video above!

Shaders For Minecraft Microsoft Edition
9. Robobo1221's Shader v7.1 (Medium)
Download from: Paradox Forum (Link disabled, as I think the forum got hacked – it redirects me to scam ads)
Alternative download: Github
Performance requirement: Medium
More performance friendly version. Has some features missing from the extreme version, but way higher frame rates. Choose the version that better suits your desktop computer or laptop!
10. Sushi Shaders v2
Download from: Minecraft Forum
Performance requirement: Medium
Sushi Shaders has pretty unique colors compared to the rest, so I decided to include it. I also like the water, but the color screme is a bit too cold/blue for my liking.
Ultra Realistic Minecraft Windows 10 Shaders
This comparison was brought to you by JerenVids and Vaihe.