- Update Miracast Driver Windows 10
- Microsoft Miracast Driver Windows 10 Pro
- Microsoft Miracast Driver Windows 10 Windows 7
- Microsoft Miracast Driver Windows 10 Upgrade
- Add Miracast Driver
When a Miracast session is starting, and a monitor is connected to the Miracast sink or the driver receives an I/O request from the Miracast user-mode driver because a new monitor has connected to the Miracast sink, the display miniport driver should report a monitor arrival hot-plug detection (HPD) awareness value to the operating system. Customers using Windows 7. can continue using an operational Intel WiDi configuration or upgrade to a newer release of Windows. You can find instructions for using Miracast, including system requirements, at the Microsoft support site. One particular article that may be helpful is project to a wireless display with Miracast.
- To check totally whether or not or not your relevant Miracast drivers in your Windows computer (such as graphics drivers and Wi-Fi drivers) area unit outdated or not, you’ll free transfer AN professional driver updater utility tool just like the one given below, remarked as a result of the safest and fastest due to update drivers, which will.
- Graphics driver must support Windows Display Driver Model WDDM 1.3 with Miracast support; Wi-Fi driver must support Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) 6.30 and Wi-Fi Direct; Windows 8.1 or Windows 10; This tutorial will show you how to check if your Windows 10 PC supports Miracast wireless streaming and screen projection.
- DirectX 9 legacy overlay planes don't work with Miracast displays on Windows 10 with WDDM 2.0 graphics drivers.
As of Windows 10, the OS contains a native implementation of Miracast wireless displays. Drivers should no longer implement a custom Miracast display component. Support for custom Miracast implementations may be removed in a future version of Windows.

Display hardware can process each video frame sent over a Miracast wireless display link by splitting the frame into multiple parts, or encode chunks. Each chunk has a unique chunk ID that's generated from the frame number and the frame part (or slice) number. Each chunk that's related to the same desktop frame update must be assigned the same frame number.
Reporting chunk processing
A driver can encode a frame to be sent over a Miracast wireless link either in multiple processing steps—for example separating color conversion from encoding—or in a single step. Each processing step should be assigned a unique frame part number within the frame.
Either the Miracast user-mode driver or the display miniport driver must notify the operating system each time that the hardware has completed a processing step for a frame, and immediately before each part of the frame is sent to the network. The time of a particular reported processing step is assumed to be the time the event was reported to the operating system, so it's important to report the stages as rapidly as possible.
The operating system takes no action other than to log these events using the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) kernel-level tracing facility. This info is nevertheless important for measuring and investigating performance issues.
These are the possible ways that a driver can provide the notification:
- The Miracast user-mode driver calls the ReportStatistic callback function to report details with the MIRACAST_STATISTIC_TYPE_CHUNK_PROCESSING_COMPLETE type, or with MIRACAST_STATISTIC_TYPE_CHUNK_SENT to indicate the chunk is just about to be sent to the network stack for transmission.
- The display miniport driver reports details of the chunk processing with the DXGK_INTERRUPT_MICACAST_CHUNK_PROCESSING_COMPLETE interrupt type, although this report can only be made at interrupt time, and in a addition to logging the chunk info, a chunk packet is created and queued so that the Miracast user-mode driver can retrieve it by calling the GetNextChunkData callback function.
- The display miniport driver calls the DxgkCbReportChunkInfo callback function at any IRQL level. This function logs only the chunk info and does not queue any chunk packets.
If the desktop image is not updated but the driver needs to encode the desktop image again to improve quality, the same frame number and part numbers should be used. The performance tools will trigger the second encode complete event for the same frame and part number, indicating that a second encode of the same frame was performed.
Note The last slice of each frame must have a frame part number of zero. Doing this indicates to performance tools that this is the last slice of the frame.
To ensure correct synchronization of the primary surface, if the encoding is performed by the pixel pipeline, any requested flip operation at a VSync interval should not be reported before the encoding has finished accessing the primary surface. This prevents the presenter from rendering to the primary surface while the encode engine is reading from it.
The Miracast user-mode driver should inform the operating system at each of several stages of processing the frame:
Start frame, chunk type MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE_FRAME_START:
Represents the point where the operating system asks the driver to display the new desktop frame. Although technically this could be reported from the Miracast user-mode driver, the start of processing new frame always involves the display miniport driver and should be reported by that driver.
Color convert complete, chunk type MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE_COLOR_CONVERT_COMPLETE:
Some solutions have separate color convert and encode stages. In such solutions the color convert complete processing event should be reported as soon as possible, and the driver should use the DXGK_MIRACAST_CHUNK_INFO.ProcessingTime member to report the time it took for the hardware to perform the operation. If the entire frame is color converted all at once rather than in slices, then the part number should be zero.
Encode complete, chunk type MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE_ENCODE_COMPLETE:
Indicates that the H.264 encode has been completed. The ProcessingTime and EncodeRate members of the DXGK_MIRACAST_CHUNK_INFO structure should be completed.
Frame send, calling ReportStatistic using MIRACAST_STATISTIC_TYPE_CHUNK_SENT:
Indicates that the data packet for this frame/part number is just about to be sent to the networking API for transmission from the Miracast user-mode driver. If the data for this frame/part is sent using multiple calls to the networking API, then this should only be logged just before the first packet is sent. The call to indicate this should be made just before calling the network API. This is important because if the network API blocks calls, then we do not want that blocked time to count against processing of the frame in the graphics stack.
Dropped frame, chunk type MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE_FRAME_DROPPED:
If at any time the driver decides that it won't complete the processing of the frame/part and send it to the sink, then it should report the dropped frame. In this context a frame is only considered dropped if the driver actually started processing it by logging MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE_FRAME_START. If a driver calculates that it's going to skip this frame without any processing, it can log MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE_FRAME_DROPPED without logging MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE_FRAME_START.
Driver defined chunk type MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE_ENCODE_DRIVER_DEFINED_1 or _2:
These chunk types are available to help you understand the performance of a scenario. An example would be where the driver uses these types to indicate that an I-Frame was created for this frame. Another example would be where the driver logs an additional packet after the last slice of the frame has been sent to network APIs that contained the total size of the encoded frame.
Here are examples of how frame color is converted and then how the display miniport driver reports completion of the color conversion.
Reporting a single frame without using slices:
Value of MIRACAST_CHUNK_INFO member:ChunkType valueChunkId.ChunkId.Stage of processingMIRACAST_ CHUNK_TYPE_FrameNumberPartNumberProcessingTimeEncodeRateStart processing frameFRAME_START101000Color conversion is completeCOLOR_CONVERT_COMPLETE10109500Encode is completeENCODE_COMPLETE1010104215000Just before call to send data to networkReportStatistic call*101, value of ChunkSent. ChunkId. FrameNumber0, value of ChunkSent. ChunkId. PartNumberN/AN/A
Reporting a single frame, processed using slices:
Value of MIRACAST_CHUNK_INFO member:ChunkTypeChunkId.ChunkId.Stage of processingMIRACAST_ CHUNK_TYPE_FrameNumberPartNumberProcessingTimeEncodeRateStart processing frameFRAME_START101000Color conversion is completeCOLOR_CONVERT_COMPLETE10109500Encode of slice 1 is completeENCODE_COMPLETE1011104215000Encode of slice 2 is completeENCODE_COMPLETE101040015000Just before call to send slice 1 data to networkReportStatistic call*101, value of ChunkSent. ChunkId. FrameNumber1, value of ChunkSent. ChunkId. PartNumberN/AN/AJust before call to send slice 2 data to networkReportStatistic call*101, value of ChunkSent. ChunkId. FrameNumber0, value of ChunkSent. ChunkId. PartNumber (See Note above.)N/AN/A
Reporting an original frame, processed and then re-encoded without using slices:
Value of MIRACAST_CHUNK_INFO member:ChunkTypeChunkId.ChunkId.Stage of processingMIRACAST_ CHUNK_TYPE_FrameNumberPartNumberProcessingTimeEncodeRateStart processing frameFRAME_START101000Color conversion is completeCOLOR_CONVERT_COMPLETE10109500Encode is completeENCODE_COMPLETE1010104215000Just before call to send data for original frame to networkReportStatistic call*101, value of ChunkSent. ChunkId. FrameNumber0, value of ChunkSent. ChunkId. PartNumberN/AN/ARe-encode is completeENCODE_COMPLETE101050015000Just before call to send data for re-encoded frame to networkReportStatistic call*101, value of ChunkSent. ChunkId. FrameNumber0, value of ChunkSent. ChunkId. PartNumberN/AN/A
Reporting protocol events
When the Miracast user-mode driver reports protocol events by calling the ReportStatistic function with MIRACAST_STATISTIC_DATA.StatisticType set to MIRACAST_STATISTIC_TYPE_EVENT, the operating system logs the event but takes no other action. These events are nevertheless valuable for diagnostics and performance investigation.
The MIRACAST_PROTOCOL_EVENT enumeration includes possible protocol event types that can be reported.
Reporting protocol errors
While a Miracast connected session is in progress, if a Miracast user-mode driver discovers an error, it should call the ReportSessionStatus callback function with appropriate MIRACAST_STATUS error status info in the MiracastStatus parameter. The operating session will always destroy the session when an error is reported.
Update Miracast Driver Windows 10
Note that although the operating system merely logs the ReportSessionStatusStatus parameter for diagnostics and doesn't take any action based on its value. However, we recommend that the driver use this parameter to differentiate between different causes of the error.
A driver is a program that controls a particular type of device that is connected to your computer. It is the software that an attached device uses to work with your PC. If your PC originally came with Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, then it most likely has Miracast support. Those who upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 may not have this support.
If your computer does not have support for Miracast, there are other options you can explore. For instance, you can make use of Actiontec ScreenBeam USB Transmitter. This dongle and similar USB transmitters from other manufacturers enable wireless display on Windows 7 and Windows 8 laptops even though they don’t have support for Miracast.
Even if your PC supports Miracast, you will need to have updated Miracast drivers for it to work. Wireless (Miracast) displays can only be supported by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later models. The easiest way to update your Intel WIDI Windows 10 is to download and install the Intel Driver Update Utility Tool.
This tool automatically checks and updates your drivers to the latest version. If your Miracast drivers are out of date, this tool will identify them and give you the option to have them updated. Follow the steps below to download this tool.
Get current Miracast drivers for your PC Windows 10
Step 1: Download Intel Driver Update Utility Tool from Miracast Driver Download Page or just go to Official Intel Site
Step 2: Locate the download folder and click on the .exe file to run it.
Step 3: Accept the license terms and conditions in the page that will open and click on the ‘Install‘ button.
Microsoft Miracast Driver Windows 10 Pro
Step 4: The system will display the progress bar. Wait for the installation process to complete.
Step 5: Once the installation is complete, click on the ‘Launch‘ button.
Microsoft Miracast Driver Windows 10 Windows 7
Step 6: Click on the ‘Start scan’ button. The system will scan your system for available drivers. It will then list all the available drivers that need updating so you can update them.
Also, if the display you will project to does not support Miracast, you will need to complete the connection by buying a Miracast adapter for TV. This adapter plugs into one of the HDMI ports on your TV and makes it possible for your PC to communicate with the display wirelessly. Your best bet would be Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter because it comes from Microsoft but any other Miracast adapter would be fine. Check out this article to learn more about Microsoft’s wireless display adapter
Microsoft Miracast Driver Windows 10 Upgrade
When everything is set, follow the steps below to wirelessly mirror your Windows 10 display to your HDTV.
Add Miracast Driver
Read also >> How to wirelessly project your Windows 10 PC to an HDTV